Postani veleposlanik na jedan dan i učini nešto za ravnopravnost spolova!

Dragi naši učenici, pozivamo vas da se ukuljučite u natjecanje za promicanje ravnopravnosti među spolovima. Detalje pročitajte u službenoj pozivnici.

Become an Ambassador for a Day and stand up for Gender Equality!

If you are aged 16-18, we would like to hear your ideas on this important topic.
Successful finalists will get to spend the day with an Ambassador, seeing what a typical day as a diplomat looks like and take part in a Roundtable Debate on Gender Equality.

This competition is being organised under the patronage of Her Excellency Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, President of the Republic of Croatia, the British Embassy and other participating Embassies.

To enter the competition you will need to make a video (maximum one minute in length) explaining in English what you would do if you were Ambassador for a day to #pressforprogress on gender equality. Maximum one video entry per individual. When you’ve made your video (only good quality videos will be considered), click on the link in the discussion section of this page. Fill out the application form and send it – together with the link to your video clip – to Please use WeTransfer, YouTube link or any other iCloud system for sending the video.

Deadline for submission is 8 April 2018. Further details available here:
You may also be interested in ‘CREATING HEROINES LIVE STREAM’
The British Council is delighted to partner with UN Women’s HeForShe Arts week to present a panel discussion on: Creating Heroines: do women still need role models? Join us online on Tuesday 13 March, 7pm – 8:15pm GMT
A line up of eminent women from across the arts will speak about the importance of heroines and role models, and ask what is the role of the arts in helping to imagine the future, to empower women and girls, and create a more equal world?
